- LexVa.com has
been an active website for over 10 years
- Strong Google
placement for "Lexington VA" searches
- Over
2,000 visits
per month
- Visitors spend
an average of 2 min. on LexVa.com per visit.
- Nearly
60% of our
traffic is direct (bookmarks, memory)
- Approx
40% of our
traffic comes from search engines.
- Strong
number of new visitors to LexVa.com each month
What does this all mean for you?
made it's web debut in February 1997 and was among the very
first sites to collect data and links related to Rockbridge County and
Lexington, VA. However, LexVa.com is more than just a
collection of local links. LexVa.com has become a useful
resource for local/national news, weather, area statistics,
maps, movie times, traffic
cams, gas prices, hotel reservations and more.
Because LexVa.com
has been a relevant online resource for over 10 years, it has
earned excellent search engine rankings. For example, enter "Lexington
VA" in Google and LexVA.com appears on the first page.
Because of our
strong search engine placement, it's no surprise that nearly
40% of our traffic comes from Google, AOL, Bing and Yahoo.
Anyone making Lexington their travel destination are likely to
find LexVA.com before they find you.
However, not all our
visits are from out of town. Nearly 60% of our traffic
comes directly, meaning many have either bookmarked or memorized the
LexVA.com address. This shows we have many visitors who
return on a regular basis. We also know of many who have
LexVa.com set as their browser homepage.
Finally, knowing that
an average visit lasts around 2 minutes, this shows our
visitors are actively reading what they find on LexVA.com,
whether it be news headlines, links to area sites, etc.
If you have a business
or organization in Rockbridge County and do not have a presence
on LexVA.com, we are here to help. Exposure on
LexVA.com starts at no cost to have a basic listing. For
those who would like to stand out with banners, one page
websites and more, we can accomodate!
In advertising,
branding is essential. LexVA.com can give your
business exposure to thousands of area residents and visitors
from all over the world.
Anthony Vita for more information: (540) 464-3825 or email,